WWF "Andre the Giant" Classic Championship replica releather
The hand-crafted, real leather strap for this oversized replica belt measures over 70" long and has been painted white to resemble the original "No Holds Barred" belt that Vince McMahon donated to Planet Hollywood in New York. The 4mm thick main plate has been curved to more closely resemble the real belt originally made by Reggie Parks. Leather by Mike Nicolau.

The real leather strap measures an impressive 70" from end to end.

The plates feature a "dual plated" finish.

The 4mm thick main plate has been curved to resemble the real belt.

A soft, black leather lining covers the screws and raw leather in the back.

The globe is a separate relief piece, which adds depth.

The hand-tooled leather strap has been painted white.

The details in the etching really stand out.